2025年01月29日 星期三 加入花蓮新聞網專頁

112年全國中等學校運動會花蓮縣代表隊開張!進帳3金6銀7銅!∣花蓮新聞網官方網站各類新聞-最快速的今日新聞報導 最新的在地資訊!







  除了跆拳道的優異表現,輕艇的表現亦不惶多讓!高男組輕艇C-2 1000公尺競速,花蓮體中李郡霖、芦宏昌選手以4分04秒98的成績0.25秒些微的差距勇奪金牌。隔天兩位選手挾著前一天奪金高昂的氣勢與絕佳默契與台南市纏鬥到最後,再度以1分54秒98的成績奪下高男組輕艇C-2 500公尺競速金牌,成為今年輕艇項目最大贏家。


112th National High School Athletic Games are taking place one after another, with the Hualien County team winning 1 gold, 4 silver, and 5 bronze medals in taekwondo last month, 2 gold and 2 bronze medals in canoeing last week, and 2 silver medals in weightlifting yesterday, accumulating a total of 3 gold, 6 silver, and 7 bronze medals.

Lin Guan-yu, who won Hualien County's first gold medal in this year's National High School Athletic Games, is 185 cm tall. After graduating from Jiali Elementary School, he studied at Huagang Junior High School. He won the silver medal in the 68 kg class at last year's National High School Athletic Games and was selected as a world junior representative. Under the coach's planning, Guan-yu actively prepared for this year's National High School Athletic Games. In addition to training in Thailand during winter break, he also decided to challenge the national men's 73 kg class after discussing with his coach. Guan-yu is very happy to win the first gold medal for Hualien County. Coach Yan Xiang-jin said that Guan-yu has excellent physical fitness and was only interested in basketball when he was in elementary school. When he was invited to practice taekwondo, he was quite resistant and often took sick leave and did not attend practice. Guan-yu smiled and said that he was very grateful that the coach did not give up on him and for his guidance. He will work harder to continue to bring glory to Hualien County in the taekwondo arena in the future.

Another taekwondo athlete, Chen Hao, is currently studying at Hualien High School and won the silver medal in the high men's 63 kg class at this year's National High School Athletic Games. Chen Hao was diagnosed with thalassemia major in his third year of junior high school. As he grew older, the anemia became more apparent and affected his physical strength and performance. In order to assist Chen Hao, the coach collaborated with the Tzu Chi Sports Medicine Center to provide nutritional supplements and combined the suggestions of Chinese medicine practitioners to provide the athlete with the most assistance. Coach Jiang Zhi-teng said, "Chen Hao won every game by a hair's breadth! He played until he was hypoxic and paralyzed, and I and the protector had to support him down. Chen Hao's strong will to win the medal deeply moved everyone on the scene!"

In addition to taekwondo's outstanding performance, the performance of canoeing was also impressive! In the high men's C-2 1000m sprint, Hualien athletes Li Jun-lin and Lu Hong-chang won the gold medal with a time of 4 minutes and 4.98 seconds, a difference of only 0.25 seconds. The next day, the two athletes carried the momentum of the previous day's gold medal and excellent cooperation and fought with Tainan City until the end, winning the gold medal again with a time of 1 minute and 54.98 seconds in the high men's C-2 500m sprint and becoming the biggest winners in the canoeing event this year.

The Hualien County team participated in athletics, swimming, softball, taekwondo, judo, archery, shooting, boxing, table tennis, tennis, karate, weightlifting, freestyle cycling, and... in this year's National High School Athletic Games.


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112年全國中等學校運動會花蓮縣代表隊開張!進帳3金6銀7銅!∣花蓮新聞網官方網站各類新聞-最快速的今日新聞報導 最新的在地資訊!












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