地方齊聚臺九線平臺研習營 推動花東客庄產業資源串連
本次研習營也邀請到臺東縣政府民政處鍾青柏處長、池上鄉林建宏鄉長、行政院東部聯合服務中心、臺九縣客庄縣市政府、公所與在地協會團體出席討論。客委會表示,「行政院客庄 369 治理平臺」從人文形塑、環境整備及產業發展三大面向展開,本次研習營邀請邸TaiDang創生基地劉誥洋創辦人專題講座「臺東返鄉與移居青年創生的機遇與挑戰」、中華民國景觀協會潘一如副理事長講座
Place gathered at the Taitung Highway 9 Platform Training Camp to promote the connection of industrial resources in the Huatung Hakka region
Deputy Director of the Hakka Affairs Council, Zhou Jiangjie, attended the "Happiness Taitung Highway 9 Platform Training Camp" at the Dapo Pond Environmental Education Center today (21st) to address issues related to the development of Hakka tourism in the eastern region, revitalization of community economies, and providing local youth with entrepreneurial opportunities. He encouraged the participants to brainstorm together and plan for the unique landscape and industrial structure of the Taitung Highway 9 Hakka region, and the direction of future development.
Zhou said that from Hualien City and Ji'an Township in Hualien County to Chishang, Guanshan, and Luye in Taitung County, the population of Hakka people in the Huatung valley has faced severe population loss in the past decade. It is urgent for everyone to come up with ideas to create a suitable space and environment for young people to return to their hometowns for development, allowing the eastern valley area to become a truly happy place to live. This is the spirit of the Taitung Highway 9 Platform Training Camp.
The training camp also invited the director of the Civil Affairs Department of Taitung County Government, Chung Qingbai, the chief of Lin Jianhong of Chishang Township, the East Joint Service Center of the Executive Yuan, the Hakka County and City Government of Taitung Highway 9, and local association groups to participate in the discussion. The Hakka Affairs Council stated that the "Executive Yuan Hakka 369 Governance Platform" is developed in three major directions: humanistic shaping, environmental improvement, and industrial development. The training camp invited the founder of the TaiDang Creative Base, Liu Gaoyang, to give a special lecture on "Opportunities and Challenges for Taitung Returning and Migrating Youth to Create," and the vice chairman of the Chinese Landscape Association, Pan Yiru, to give a lecture on "The Beauty of the 369 Hakka Landscape - Using the Taisan Line as an Example." Participants also visited Dapo Pond in Chishang Township to discuss the development planning and issues of the Taitung Highway 9 Hakka region, serving as a policy recommendation for subsequent platform meetings.
Later, Zhou visited the "Rice Country School" at the Promotion Center of the Guanshan Township Farmers' Association in Taitung and exchanged ideas with Guanshan Township Mayor Peng Chengfeng, Rice Country School Principal Peng Yanfang, Guanshan Township Farmers' Association Secretary-General Qiu Meiling, and the East Joint Service Center of the Executive Yuan to understand the promotion of green travel and environmental experiences by the farmers' association and community economic experiences. In the afternoon, Zhou held a discussion with local young people at the Hualien Fulilocal Creation Base "Heavenly Gifted Food Source" to gain a further understanding of Hakka youth's local creation and practical experiences they may encounter.
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